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Monday, September 20, 2010

"The Dark Closet of Pregnancy" - Carole Kohn

In a conversation with my dear friend Carole yesterday... shaman, psychic therapist, healer ... she referred to the darkness I am feeling during my Seventh Month as "The Dark Closet of Pregnancy." "Amanda, in all my years ...I've never met a pregnant woman who hasn't been there to one degree or another." To Carole I am forever grateful for the insight and the strength that her words provide. Her wisdom continually reminds me that we are all part of the same tapestry.

It has been very difficult for me to fathom that regardless of the miracle that is taking place inside my body... darkness is still imminent. Like clockwork, the autumn has historically been a trigger for (clinically speaking) depressed episodes; it creeps, snakelike, up my spine into the solar plexus when the leaves begin to float down toward the earth. SSRI's, vitamins, and walking outdoors are usually the magic braid that keeps me afloat, but pregnancy has thrown a stick in my spokes. In fact, I was confident that I would elude the unwelcome plummet ... which is probably a large percentage of the looming disappointment. Alas, I was wrong. But "woe is me" is not even an option; the pollywog NEEDS to swim about in a sea of positivity, and there is no doubt in my mind that she is innately aware of my emotional state; I am sure that you can relate to this inexplicable phenomena.

I'd like to share an insightful article that I found that talks about this issue ( I know that even at my most reclusive, I find comfort in knowing that I am not alone. Perhaps you will, too.

Treatments for Pregnancy Depression
How Expectant Mothers Can Cope With Anxiety and Depressed Feelings
Feb 10, 2010 Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen

"Treatments for Pregnancy Depression - Taking antidepressants or other medications for depression isn't an option for some pregnant women. Here are other pregnancy depression treatments, such as acupuncture.

Finding the best pregnancy depression treatments can be challenging! For some expectant mothers, taking antidepressants in pregnancy won’t harm the baby, while other women are advised not to continue taking medications for depression or anxiety. It depends on each woman’s circumstances and genetic makeup; different people find different treatments for depression effective.

Anxiety and Depression in Pregnancy
According to the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, about 10% of pregnant women meet criteria for major depression and almost 20% have increased symptoms of depression during pregnancy. The rates of depression in pregnant women are similar to non-pregnant women, and among women during the postpartum period.

There are far fewer treatment studies of pregnancy depression than during the postpartum period. Further, dealing with depression is difficult for many pregnant women because the use of anti-depressants can pose concerns to the developing fetus.

Why Treatments for Pregnancy Depression Are Important

A mother who is seriously depressed or anxious may not be available emotionally for her baby, which can interfere with their developing relationship. However, taking prescription antidepressant medications during pregnancy is usually avoided because of the risks of exposure for the fetus and breastfeeding baby.

In some situations, with a doctor’s guidance, it may be better to treat symptoms of depression with antidepressant medication. Discussions about how to treat anxiety and depression in pregnancy need include the expectant mother, her partner, the doctor, and perhaps a family member. Also, having a list of questions to ask before taking antidepressants is valuable when talking to a doctor.

The good news? There are effective treatments for expectant mothers who struggle with depressed or anxious feelings! Three options are cognitive-behavioral therapy, acupuncture, and herbal remedies for depression.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depressed Pregnant Women

Specific types of counseling or psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavior therapy and interpersonal therapy, can teach depressed women skills to deal with situations that trigger or increase their sadness or anxiety. Women with depression learn how their thoughts and behaviors contribute to their depressed feelings, and learn how to change their thoughts to improve their moods.

Natural Help for Anxiety and Depression

These types of therapies can be done individually or in groups, and usually take place weekly for 6-12 sessions. Group or individual cognitive-behavioral or interpersonal therapy can be offered by a doctor, psychologist, social worker, midwife or trained nurse.

Other types of psychotherapy requires longer term treatment. Some therapists will work with the mother and baby together or with both parents together. Couple counseling can be useful for problems in the parent’s relationship including communication problems and sexual difficulties.

Acupuncture as a Treatment for Pregnancy Depression

A new research study shows that acupuncture may be an effective treatment for depression during pregnancy. "Depression during pregnancy is an issue of concern because it has negative effects on both the mother and the baby, as well as the rest of the family," said Dr. Schnyer, who co-authored a study about how acupuncture affects pregnant women with depression.

The results showed that the women who received acupuncture specifically for depression experienced a significantly greater decrease in symptoms of depression than pregnant women who did not receive acupuncture and pregnant woman who received massage. 'The results of our study show that the acupuncture protocol we tested could be a viable treatment option for depression during pregnancy,' said Dr. Schnyer.

Natural Herbal Remedies for Expectant Mothers

'St John's wort is particularly effective for depression, particularly for mild to moderate symptoms without the side effects often associated with drugs," writes naturopathic doctor Michelle Schoffro Cook in The Brain Wash."Ginkgo biloba improves neurotransmitter production in the brain and helps bring oxygen-rich blood to the brain to improve functioning.'

These herbal remedies may not be as effective for severe depression or anxiety, depending on symptoms and cause of the depression. However, if an expectant mother doesn’t want to take antidepressants during pregnancy, natural treatments for depression are worth investigating.

St John's wort, ginkgo biloba or any natural herbal remedy for depression should not be combined with antidepressants like Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil or Effexor. A doctor should always be consulted before natural remedies are taken – especially for pregnant women!

There are treatments for pregnancy depression; the key is finding the best, most effective treatment for individual women. And, what works for one expectant mother might not work for another."

Amanda XO

In addition, if you are interested in some remarkable advice/insight through the gifted mind of my friend Carole Kohn, Read On:

Carole Kohn has been providing unparalleled professional psychic guidance for over thirty years. Based in Las Vegas, Carole's accurate, skillful psychic readings have helped clients all over the world with making important life decisions.

International acclaimed, many know Carole from her years at the Excalibur Hotel or have come to learn about her through the her thousands of satisfied clients who speak with Carole regularly due to her accuracy and true clairvoyant abilities. Read some testimonials from those who have experienced Carole's God-given gift.

If you've experienced a loss, are in need of guidance, or looking for a new direction in life, you can finally get the answers you need to help you find success in love, health issues, soul mate relationships, and careers. Carole is a God-loving woman who can help you!

Please explore our website and see what Carole can do for you, and feel free to send her an e-mail if you need additional information:

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(702) 617-3725 or Toll-Free (877) 728-4321
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